Stylist - Salon Associate Program

Want to get paid to learn? We are looking for a cosmetology student or recent graduate from cosmetology school, who wants to jump-start their career! Our Associate Program is a comprehensive, hands-on experience that provides training in the areas of technical skills, guest handling, and business building. Our associates work with a dedicated service provider to grow into a career hairstylist. Like our service providers, our Associate Program has a performance-based level system. There are 4 levels. Each level has specific skill sets that give an opportunity to move up to the next level. The salon provides an environment for growth, learning, and support. You will finish feeling more equipped and ready to begin as a stylist in our salon company.

Our environment is light, airy, positive, and upbeat. We are looking for friendly individuals to join our team, and help provide a "happy place" for our guests.


Stylist - Chair Rental